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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

5 beach hacks you must know

Luis Alberto Cervantes

Going to the beach can be a great experience, but also there can be some annoying situations, like for example the sticky sand on your feet, or even worst, on your mobile phone! So, if you want to ensure that your next beach trip is a breeze, you need to check this 5 beach hacks that will help you to completely enjoy your beach excursion.

DIY towel trick

One the most annoying things at the beach it’s re-accommodate your towel every time the wind blows. This trick will help you to maintain your towel and personal things in order. Just fold over the edges of your towel and sew some pockets, where you can put your valuables and making heavier your towel, preventing that the wind will move your things.

DIY Waterproof phone
Sometimes we just want to take the best pictures when we’re at the beach, but one of our deepest fears it’s that our phones can get wet or full of sand. To protect your phone just put it in a plastic bag (like a ziploc bag) and this will help you to keep your things safe from the sand and water  while you enjoy the beach.

Freeze water bottles
To make a picnic at the beach sometimes may be disgusting because the sun always warms the drinks and food. To avoid hot water bottles, just freeze them the night before. Then the next day at the beach the sun will slowly melt the iced water, so you can enjoy fresh water during the day. Also, you can put the frozen water bottles in a cooler, to keep other things cold.

Get baby powder
Another annoying thing of going to the beach is the sticky sand on your body. The solution to this problem is simple.... baby powder! This will easily help you to get rid of sand.

Bring the fitted sheet to the beach
No matter how many times you shake the sand from your towel, it would always get full of sand again and again. To minimize the problem just use a fitted sheet instead of your towel and put some heavy things in the corners of the sheet (like backpacks, coolers, etc.). This is great if you have babies or little kids with you!

Luis Alberto Cervantes / Author & Editor

Entertainment Plus and USA Transfers have been helping travelers for over 12 years here in Cancun.

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